Financing mechanism
WASF Financing will be done through the following distinct windows:
a) “Benin wicket” wicket “Protected Areas” accessible to managers Institutions of “Protected Areas” for the benefit of The National Center for the Management of Wildlife Reserves through the Administration of the National Park Pendjari and the Direction of the National Park W (DNPW) and stopping “Small grants” for the direct benefit of other actors of “biosphere reserves” or working for their sustainable management and involved in the management of national parks (and private associations contributing to the protection of biodiversity in protected areas );
b) a wicket for the financing of cross-border activities;
c) countertops for the other Protected Areas of the WAP complex.
Efforts will focus first on the Benin-stop according to the criteria for granting subsidies described. The opening of the FSOA at boxes b) and c) will consider the contribution that certain donors who have bilateral and / or privileged relations with a country or park that will want to contribute to a “window” specific.
Besides the parks Benin part provides funding to local NGOs working in the sustainable management of natural resources and financing of micro development and improvement of life of the populations.